DataDose is an app designed for the purpose of research work data entry, and it does just that and so well.
Utilise it to avoid complete manual entry of data in Excel or spreadsheets, which is often prone to human errors.
You'd find the app helpful, whether your work is questionnaire-based or proforma-based or any other structured methods of research data collection.
The benefits it teases to offer are:
  • Data integrity
  • Data consistency
  • Automatic data coding
  • Data portability and ease of entry
  • Bother less about electricity availability
  • And much more
USING THE APP Opening the app shows the list of currently imported projects being worked on; the list may be empty if you have no projects imported yet.

Swiping a project to the right exports the project detail as a formatted project detail file in .txt format as well as a Proforma in Microsoft Excel .xlsx format and as a questionnaire in Microsoft Word .docx format, so you can share it with others, or keep it for later. Exported files are named as Proforma_ + the same name for the Project (e.g If project name is Survey, outputs will be Proforma_Survey.txt, Proforma_Survey.xlsx, and Proforma_Survey.docx )

Swiping a project to the left attempts deleting it after confirming the action from the user.
IMPORTING A NEW PROJECT There are several approaches to importing a project, and you can choose to use any of them, viz:

1. Using the WYSIWYG( What you see is what you get ) editor.
2. Using the form type of import
3. Importing from a Microsoft Excel file
4. Importing a formatted questionnaire or project detail
FILLING A RESPONSE Clicking a project from the home screen directs you to the filler screen, where you can fill the responses for your project.

Each response page corresponds to a complete questionnaire response, or a proforma row, or a row of Excel file.

The responses you fill are automatically saving as you fill, so there's no save button.

When you're through filling a page, swipe left or right to the previous or next page, to fill another response.

The response pages are currently limited to 1000. If your sample size exceeds 1000, we advise you import the same project with a different name, so you can continue filling the responses over 1000.
JUMPING TO A RESPONSE PAGE Clicking the Response page {number} label shows the prompt to enter the page number to jump to.

Long-clicking same label shows the prompt to clear the responses filled for that particular response page.
EXPORTING PROJECT FILLED RESPONSES Clicking the Export button on each project exports the actual responses filled for that project.

A project could be exported in coded or non-coded form.

Checking or unchecking the checkbox at the top of the home screen specifies whether you want the data exported to be non-coded or coded, respectively.
Default export mode is non-coded.

The Header option specifies what to write on the first cell in each data column.
Q type -> Each column is labeled as Q1, Q2, Q3, .....Qn
Full -> The full question is written as the column label.
Joined -> The full question is concatenated with underscore symbol, then set as the column label

You can try each of the options to see which best serves your need

When exporting as coded, the variable and value labels are also automatically written in separate Sheets (called variables_labels and values_labels) in the same Workbook of the Excel file, so you can easily copy them and import to SPSS (If you would be using SPSS for your data analysis)
HOW DATA IS CODED In cases of questions with one or more selectable options, the first option is coded as 1, second option as 2, third option as 3, etc.

Questions that are not with options (e.g freeform questions) are not coded.
IMPORTING LABELS TO SPSS Importing variable labels> Open your SPSS and select Window,
then select "Go to designated syntax window"

Type "VARIABLE LABELS" and press the Enter key to go to a new line.

Open your exported project file and select the variables_labels sheet.

Highlight the last column by clicking at the top of it.

Right click and select copy, or use Control C, , to copy the whole column.

Paste the copied text into your SPSS syntax window.

Press dot (.) on your keyboard to mark the end of the syntax.

Click the play/run button at the top of the screen.
Importing value labels> Open your SPSS and select Window,
then select "Go to designated syntax window"

Type "VALUE LABELS" and press the Enter key to go to a new line.

Open your exported project file and select the values_labels sheet.

Highlight the last column by clicking at the top of it.

Right click and select copy, or use Control C, to copy the whole column.

Paste the copied text into your SPSS syntax window.

Press dot (.) on your keyboard to mark the end of the syntax.

Click the play/run button at the top of the screen.
MERGING EXCEL FILES You can merge two or more Microsoft Excel files with the app.

The values in the first cell of each column of the Excel files are considered as the name for that column.

The columns are merged based on having the same value in the key column to be specified before the merging begins.

Rows with no value specified for the key column are ignored and will not appear in the merged Excel file.

The merging only occurs for the first sheet in each Excel file. Other sheets are ignored.

Merging also means that columns with same name in more than one Excel file will be merged, with the last merged value appearing as the final value in the merged Excel file.

To begin merging, first create a new folder and copy all the files to be merged into the folder.
Open the app and click the Go to Importer button>Tools>Merge
Next select the folder containing the Excel files to merge
Enter the name of the key column
Click Okay and wait for the process to complete.
The output/merged file is saved inside the same folder previously selected in a file named merged.xlsx