Import from Excel Using this import option allows you to import your Proforma or structured questionnaire saved in Microsoft Excel file into the app.

Each column in the Excel file is treated as an entity.

The first cell in each Excel column contains the entity label(i.e) What to be displayed on the app screen.
The second cell contains the entity type, which could be represented with the entity's full name or short alphabet(e.g Project Title or A, MCQ Rigid or D, Likert or G, e.t.c, see other types below).

Entities without their type specified are automatically taken as an MCQ or Freeform question, depending on whether the column has options or not, respectively.
The third and all other subsequent cells contain the options for entity types that contain options(e.g MCQ, MCQ rigid, MCQ+Freeform, and Likert)

Types of entity are:

Example Proforma/Excel File structure:

ROI Study id Age Sex Location
Title Free form MCQ Rigid MCQ